![]() ANGELIQUE: Write a poem about me... ENNENBACH: what can I say about a genius as unique as my lovely brilliant friend Angelique her stories filled with a spicy streak and her tie game is always on fleek ANGELIQUE: What's the most important thing to you when you sit down to write? ENNENBACH: I have to feel the emotion I am writing. I am like a method actor, if I am not fully wrapped in the feeling, then how can I expect the reader to be? ANGELIQUE: Who hit on who first, you or Brad? Why are you the bottom? ENNENBACH: I think you mean power bottom. Hmph. I know Brad talked to me first, but I cannot remember a time when we weren't brothers immediately after. And he clearly hit on me first, I am a lady. Double hmph. ANGELIQUE: What one movie scene gave you that WTF moment, like for me it was when the wire snapped in Ghostship...(if you seen the movie you just know)? ENNENBACH: That scene is amazeballs. Mine is in Audition. I don't want to spoil it, but when she inserts the needles and flicks one of them. And it just gets better from there. ANGELIQUE: If you could peel off someones skin and wear it as a blanket, who would it be an why? ENNENBACH: I would skin and tan RJ Roles hide, I would wear him like the cutest hoodie ever. He is as cute as a button. It's undeniable. ANGELIQUE: What do you wear under your kilt? ENNENBACH: Nothing. It's a kilt. ANGELIQUE: Out of all your work, what one piece speaks to you the most? ENNENBACH: Cuckoo. It's exactly what I wanted it to be. A love story I still cannot read without crying.
![]() ANGELIQUE: If you could be any one of your characters, who would it be and why? JAGGE: Birdie Montrose. She’s a young girl, from a story in “Good Southern Witches.” Full 0f power and possibility! Learning to be ruthless and wise. ANGELIQUE: If you were trapped in a book, who would you want to take with you into this new world? JAGGE: Natasha Sinclair. There’s no one else I’d rather spend time with when it comes to sorting out situations and finding solutions to problems! ANGELIQUE: Lights on or lights off? JAGGE: Off. Very few actually prefer on. ANGELIQUE: What one book changed your life? JAGGE: Gone With the Wind. To discover that a writer could tell such an expansive story, rich with characters, history, and vivid imagery. In spite of some controversy, it remains a classic, and a favorite. ANGELIQUE: What one word in the English language bothers you? JAGGE: Influencer. ANGELIQUE: What's your guilty pleasure song? JAGGE: Lynyrd Skynyrd “Freebird” it’s the song everyone and anyone can dance to, or believe they can! ANGELIQUE: If Cassandra Peterson and Stifflers Mom had a baby, it would be you... How does this make you feel? JAGGE: I’m honored! What a cool and awesome way to be perceived, both are strong and sexy ladies, who tend to do things their way, on their terms! ERIC BUTLER ![]() ANGELIQUE: If you could be any one of your characters, who would it be and why? BUTLER: I don’t think I’d want to be any of the people in my stories. I’m not very nice to my characters, and often take them to places no one would want to go. That said, if I was forced to choose one, it would be Ephraim Godwin from The Sins of the Past. I enjoy the setting – Victorian England, and I haven’t completely destroyed his life yet, so there’s still hope for a happy ending at some point … *narrator’s voice, “There is little to no hope.” ANGELIQUE: What makes me more likable than your co-host for the pod you do, What's in the Box? BUTLER: This is an easy one. You have not thrown me under the bus on a podcast. Other than that, it’s really neck and neck. ANGELIQUE: You have to live inside a horror film for the rest of your short life, which film would you choose and how are you dying? BUTLER: The Thing. I would probably die because I was hanging out with the dogs and be the first one killed and duplicated. ANGELIQUE: What's the last embarrassing thing you bought? BUTLER: I can’t remember the last time I bought something that made me feel embarrassed. I think being a parent of a sick kiddo and husband for over 20 years, I’ve had to buy things that may have embarrassed me when I was younger but have toughened me up over time. My wife suggested I mention the inflatable South Park chair I put on our wedding registry, but I reminded her I wasn’t the one embarrassed by that, lol. ANGELIQUE: Where's the oddest place you've written? BUTLER: I guess the weirdest place would have been back in college. I would write short stories during Chemistry when the teacher droned on for too long. Or back in the day, when I ran a mailing company, I would write ideas down or lines of dialogue to break up the monotony of running the machines. I have stacks of scrap paper filled with notes. ANGELIQUE: Have you ever misheard song lyrics and were disappointed when you learned the actual lyrics? What's the song and what did you hear vs. the real lyrics. BUTLER: I wish I had a good answer for this question but I don’t so I will pivot and tell this story. When I was like 5 or 6, my father was in the Army and we lived on base in Germany. One day we got together with a few other families for lunch and a game of baseball. Now a popular heckle at the time was “Pitcher’s got a rubber arm and doesn’t know how to use it.” I started to chant this at one point, but I thought it was “Pitcher’s got a rubber on and doesn’t know how to use it.” My father quickly shut this down. ANGELIQUE: What's your favorite shade of lipstick? BUTLER: It’s kinda a boring answer but I’m a fan of traditional colors like pink or red. A crazy shade is fun if it goes with whatever look the person is going for, but you can’t beat the classics. ANGELIQUE: Where exactly is that funny smell coming from? BUTLER: Your upper lip? ![]() ANGELIQUE: My wife asked if the Written in Red guys have tried to do the whole human centipede thing together. Who picked the order and what was the placement? VOLPE: We have not tried the Human Centipede act, but it’s not off the table. If there were an order to our filthy conga line it would be as such. I would be number 1. My diet of fried food and shitty beer makes my movements more of a slurry, as opposed to a solid. Rowland would go next. His healthy body would heavily filter my waste, turning it into something palatable. Carver would be third. Years in the military have prepared him for this journey into the depths of perversion. And of course, Aron would be the caboose. He already looks like a train wreck, so having a face covered in human excrement would be an improvement. ANGELIQUE: If you could be any one of your characters, who would it be and why? VOLPE: I would have to pick Talia. All she does is fuck and kill evil people. Sounds like a good time to me. ANGELIQUE: Who's your favorite reader and why is it Donna Latham? VOLPE: Donna by a longshot lol. But I have many that are awesome and super supportive. My #2 fan, Mary Danner, is awesome. She reads a ton of indie horror and is so kind. Brandi, Danika, Nikki, Jason…the list could be endless. I appreciate all of them. ANGELIQUE: Perky or floppy? VOLPE: Why not both? Bacon is delicious whether it is perky and crispy, or a little floppy. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed both ways. ANGELIQUE: What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you? VOLPE: When I was a young man there were a set of twins that I knew. Me, not being picky, decided to shoot my shot with one of them. I was clearly not paying attention and had them confused, thus eliminating my chances with either. The name confusion became a running joke amongst my friends that witnessed my self-inflicted cock block. ANGELIQUE: What makes a horror novel perfect for you? VOLPE: The perfect horror novel varies for me. Some days I want something batshit crazy, full of violence and sex. An old-school Edward Lee book will usually fill that void. Is it perfect? No, but it satisfies the itch. Other days I might want something a little quieter and grab a McCammon or John Saul book. All in all, I feel that the author needs to pick what feeling they’re going for and stick with it. If it starts as a ghost story with deep emotional themes and then turns into a bloodbath-erotica, you may lose some readers. ANGELIQUE: If you were a zombie, who would you eat first? VOLPE: I am not a picky eater and will chow down on anything. Whoever is closest and slowest is getting devoured. |
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